


CT angiography combines a CT scan with the injection of dye. This technique is able to create pictures of the blood vessels in your belly (abdomen) or pelvis area. CT代表计算机断层扫描.


Computed tomography angiography - abdomen and pelvis; CTA - abdomen and pelvis; Renal artery - CTA; Aortic - CTA; Mesenteric CTA; PAD - CTA; PVD - CTA; Peripheral vascular disease - CTA; Peripheral artery disease; CTA; Claudication - CTA


You will lie on a narrow table that slides into the center of the CT scanner. Most often, you will lie on your back with your arms raised above your head.

Once you are inside the scanner, the machine's x-ray beam rotates around you. Modern "spiral" scanners can perform the exam without stopping.

A computer creates separate images of the belly area, called slices. These images can be stored, viewed on a monitor, or printed on film. Three-dimensional models of the belly area can be made by stacking the slices together.

You must be still during the exam, because movement causes blurred images. You may be told to hold your breath for short periods of time.



You need to have a special dye, called contrast, put into your body before some exams. Contrast helps certain areas show up better on the x-rays.

  • Contrast can be given through a vein (IV) in your hand or forearm. 如果使用对比, you also may be asked not to eat or drink anything for 4 to 6 hours before the test.
  • You may also have to drink a different contrast before the exam. When you drink the contrast will depend on the type of exam being done. Contrast has a chalky taste, although some have flavors so that they taste a little better. The contrast will pass out of your body through your stools.
  • Let your health care provider know if you have ever had a reaction to contrast. You may need to take medicines before the test in order to safely receive this substance.
  • 在接受对比之前, tell your provider if you take the diabetes medicine metformin (Glucophage). People taking this medicine may have to stop taking it for a while before the test.

The contrast can worsen kidney function problems in patients with poorly functioning kidneys. Talk to your provider if you have a history of kidney problems.

重量太大会损坏扫描仪. 如果你的体重超过300磅(135公斤), talk to your provider about the weight limit before the test.

You will need to take off your jewelry and wear a hospital gown during the study.


Lying on the hard table may be a little bit uncomfortable.


  • 轻微的灼烧感
  • 嘴里有金属的味道
  • 你的身体温暖地潮红

These feelings are normal and go away within a few seconds.


A CT angiography scan quickly makes detailed pictures of the blood vessels inside your belly or pelvis.


  • Abnormal widening or ballooning of part of an artery (动脉瘤)
  • 的来源 从肠道开始出血 或者腹部或骨盆的其他部位
  • Masses and tumors in the abdomen or pelvis, including cancer, when needed to help plan treatment
  • Cause of pain in the abdomen thought to be due to narrowing or blockage of one or more of the 动脉:供应小肠和大肠的动脉
  • 腿部疼痛被认为是由于 narrowing of blood vessels that supply the legs and feet
  • 由于血管狭窄导致的高血压 将血液输送到肾脏的动脉


  • 肝脏血管外科手术
  • 肾移植





  • 腹部或骨盆内出血的源头
  • 供应肾脏的动脉狭窄
  • 动脉狭窄供应肠道的动脉狭窄
  • 供应腿部的动脉狭窄
  • 动脉膨胀或肿胀(动脉瘤),包括 主动脉
  • 主动脉壁的裂口



  • 对比染料过敏
  • 暴露于辐射
  • 造影剂对肾脏的损害

CT scans expose you to more radiation than regular x-rays. Many x-rays or CT scans over time may increase your risk for cancer. 然而,任何一次扫描的风险都很小. Talk to your provider about this risk and the benefit of the test for getting a correct diagnosis of your medical problem.  Most modern scanners use techniques to use less radiation.

有些人对造影剂过敏. Let your provider know if you have ever had an allergic reaction to injected contrast dye.

The most common type of contrast given into a vein contains iodine. 如果你对碘过敏,你可能有 恶心或呕吐, 打喷嚏, 瘙痒, or 荨麻疹 如果你得到这种对比.

如果一定要给你这样的对比, your provider may give you antihistamines (such as Benadryl) or steroids before the test.

肾脏帮助将碘排出体外. You may need extra fluids after the test to help flush the iodine out of your body if you have kidney disease or diabetes.

Rarely, the dye may cause a life-threatening allergic response called 速发型过敏反应. Tell the scanner operator right away if you have any trouble breathing during the test. Scanners come with an intercom and speakers, so the operator can hear you at all times.


莱文MS,戈尔RM. 胃肠病学诊断成像程序. 参见:Goldman L, Schafer AI主编. Goldman-Cecil医学. 26日艾德. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2020:chap 124.

辛格MJ, Makaroun MS. 胸主动脉瘤:血管内治疗. 见:Sidawy AN, Perler BA编. 卢瑟福血管外科和血管内治疗. 10日艾德. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2023:chap 80.

j·l,刘易斯·T. Using image-guided interventions in diagnosis and treatment: interventional radiology. 选自:赫林W,编. 学习放射学:认识基本知识. 第四版. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2020:chap 29.

审核日期: 05/10/2022

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A开发的信息.D.A.M.公司. regarding tests and test results may not directly correspond with information provided by 加州大学旧金山分校健康. Please discuss with your doctor any questions or concerns you may have.
