


A breast MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan is an imaging test that uses powerful magnets and radio waves to create pictures of the breast and surrounding tissue. 它不使用辐射(x-rays).

乳房核磁共振成像通常与 乳房x光检查 or 超声波. 它不能代替乳房x光检查.


MRI - breast; Magnetic resonance imaging - breast; 乳腺癌 - MRI; 乳腺癌 screening - MRI


You will wear a hospital gown or clothes without metal snaps or a zipper (sweatpants and a t-shirt). 某些类型的金属会导致图像模糊.

You will lie on your stomach on a narrow table with your breasts hanging down into cushioned openings. 桌子滑进一个像隧道一样的大管子里.

有些检查需要特殊的染料(造影剂)。. You will get the dye through a vein (IV) in your hand or forearm. The dye helps the doctor (radiologist) see some areas more clearly.

During the MRI, the person who operates the machine will watch you from another room. 测试持续30到60分钟,但可能需要更长时间.


你可能不需要为考试做任何准备. Ask your health care provider about eating and drinking before the test.

Tell your provider if you are afraid of tight spaces (have claustrophobia). You may be given a medicine to help you feel sleepy and less anxious. 此外,你的十大赌博平台排行榜可能会建议“开放式”核磁共振成像. 在这种类型的测试中,机器与身体的距离不那么近.


  • 脑动脉瘤夹
  • 某些类型的人工心脏瓣膜
  • 心脏除颤器或起搏器
  • 内耳(耳蜗)植入物
  • 肾脏疾病 或透析(你可能无法接受静脉对比)
  • 最近放置的人工关节
  • 某些类型的血管 stents
  • Worked with sheet metal in the past (you may need tests to check for metal pieces in your eyes)

因为核磁共振成像含有强磁铁, metal objects are not allowed into the room with the MRI scanner:

  • 钢笔、小刀和眼镜可能会飞到房间的另一边.
  • Items such as jewelry, watches, credit cards, and hearing aids can be damaged.
  • Pins, hairpins, metal zippers, and similar metallic items can distort the images.
  • Removable dental work should be taken out just before the scan.


核磁共振检查不会引起疼痛. 你需要安静地躺着. 过多的运动可能会模糊MRI图像并导致错误.

If you are very anxious, you may be given medicine to calm your nerves.

The table may be hard or cold, but you can ask for a blanket or pillow. The machine makes loud thumping and humming noises when turned on. 十大赌博平台排行榜可能会给你戴上耳塞来减少噪音.

An intercom in the room lets you to speak to someone at any time. Most MRI centers have special headphones for music to help the time pass.

There is no recovery time, unless you were given a medicine to relax. 核磁共振扫描后, 你可以恢复正常饮食了, activity, 和药物,除非你的十大赌博平台排行榜另有指示.


核磁共振成像提供乳房的详细图像. It also provides clear pictures of parts of the breast that are hard to see or evaluate clearly on an 超声波 or mammogram.


  • Check for more cancer in the same breast or the other breast after 乳腺癌 已经被确诊
  • 区分乳腺中的疤痕组织和肿瘤
  • Evaluate an abnormal result on a mammogram or breast 超声波
  • 评估可能的破裂 隆胸
  • 发现任何手术后残留的癌症 化疗
  • Guide a biopsy

An MRI of the breast may also be done after a mammogram to screen for 乳腺癌 in women who:

  • Are at very high 患乳腺癌的风险 (those with a strong family history or 乳腺癌的遗传标记)
  • 乳房组织非常致密

Before having a breast MRI, talk to your provider about the pros and cons of having the test. 问:

  • Your 患乳腺癌的风险
  • Whether screening decreases your chance of dying from 乳腺癌
  • 乳腺癌筛查是否有任何危害, such as side effects from testing or overtreatment of cancer when discovered



  • 乳腺癌
  • Cysts
  • 渗漏或破裂 隆胸
  • 非癌症的异常乳腺组织
  • 疤痕组织



MRI不含辐射. No side effects from the magnetic fields and radio waves have been reported.

最常用的造影剂(染料)是钆. 它很安全. 对这种染料的过敏反应很少见. However, gadolinium can be harmful to people with kidney problems who need dialysis. If you have kidney problems, tell your provider before the test.

The strong magnetic fields created during an MRI can make heart pacemakers and other implants not work as well. It can also cause a piece of metal inside your body to move or shift.


Breast MRI is more sensitive than mammogram, especially when it is performed using contrast dye. However, breast MRI may not always be able to distinguish 乳腺癌 from noncancerous breast growths. 这可能导致假阳性结果.

MRI also cannot pick up tiny pieces of calcium (microcalcifications), which a mammogram can detect. Certain types of calcifications can be an indication of 乳腺癌.

A biopsy is needed to confirm the results of a finding suspicious for cancer on a breast MRI.


美国癌症协会网站. American Cancer Society recommendations for the early detection of 乳腺癌. www.cancer.org/cancer/breast-cancer/screening-tests-and-early-detection/american-cancer-society-recommendations-for-the-early-detection-of-breast-cancer.html. 2022年1月14日更新. 于2023年4月13日发布.

美国放射学会网站. ACR practice parameter for the performance of contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the breast. www.acr.org/-/media/ACR/Files/Practice-Parameters/mr-contrast-breast.pdf. 2018年修订后的. 于2023年4月13日发布.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) website. ACOG Practice Bulletin: 乳腺癌 risk assessment and screening in average-risk women. www.acog.org/clinical/clinical-guidance/practice-bulletin/articles/2017/07/breast-cancer-risk-assessment-and-screening-in-average-risk-women. No. 2017年7月179日. 重申了2021年. 于2023年4月13日发布.

国家癌症研究所网站. 乳腺癌筛查(PDQ)——健康专业版. www.cancer.gov /类型/乳房/ hp / breast-screening-pdq. 更新于2022年12月20日. 于2023年4月13日发布.

Siu AL; US Preventive Services Task Force. Screening for 乳腺癌: US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement. Ann实习十大赌博平台排行榜. 2016;164(4):279-296. PMID: 26757170 pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov / 26757170 /.

审核日期: 01/14/2023

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A开发的信息.D.A.M., Inc. regarding tests and test results may not directly correspond with information provided by 加州大学旧金山分校健康. Please discuss with your doctor any questions or concerns you may have.


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